During the last couple of days I built the small analog computer
designed by Dr. Vogel and documented my progress with quite some
pictures and some remarks concerning necessary changes which were
necessary since I could not get hold of some special parts.
A four channel X/Y oscilloscope multiplexer. This devices allows
the simultaneous display of up to four figures on an oscilloscope
screen which is quite useful for simulations incorporating a
user interface or simulations which require the observation of
up to four curves during a run.
Many simulations involving a man in the loop require some kind of
a control stick. The device shown on the left is a control stick
adapter to be used in conjunction with an analog computer.
A lot of simulations and stochastic computations require a very
good low frequency random noise source. Using a commercial random
noise generator like the Wandel und Goltermann RG-1, this
special filter delivers a very narrow band low frequency signal
suitable for analog computation.