Understanding the ANALOG/HYBRID Computer


Electronic Associates Inc., EAI for short, created a multimedia course titled "Understanding the ANALOG/HYBRID Computer" which gave a concise introduction into the art of analog and hybrid computing. The following pictures are the 80 slides from this multimedia lecture.

Every slide links to a large version of it - the quality is suboptimal, as I know. This is caused first by the old age of the slides and second by the fact the the slides are framed and the scanner I used has a very short focal depth.

If you are interested in all slides in maximum resolution you can download them here as a 17 MB ZIP-file.

Podcast version: Thanks to my friend Christian Peters who worked hard for several hours this EAI lecture is now available as podcast including audio and synchronized video (slides :-) ). It has been tested with several players on MAC-OS computers and even on Windows systems. This podcast is available here (about 17 MB).

If you are interested in the audio data only, you can find a 16 MB mp3 encoded file here.



